The Little Things Can Really Be The Big Things In Disguise

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This morning I read a piece written by Marcel Schwanges, Principal and Founder of Leadership From the Core. His piece was titled “Bill Gates Says You Should Ask 4 Crucial Questions to Assess the Quality of Your Life (1 is From Waren Buffet)”. The 4 questions are: (1) Did I devote enough time to my family? (2) Did I learn enough new things? (3) Did I develop new friendships and deepen old ones? (4) Do the people you care about love you back? In a world that expects so much, these questions seem so basic and small, but I believe they are HUGE!

Throughout my life I have had periods in which I could say “yes” to all these questions and times when I could answer “yes” to only a few. My happiest memories correlate highly with those times when I was able to say “yes” to these questions.

Every once in awhile I stumble across something that reminds me of those high quality moments in my life. My heart does a little happy dance and I smile. The other day I opened up a 3 ring binder containing recipes I have saved. One very special recipe that was written out by a very special lady (then a little girl and now an adult) caused me to stop and reflect. This very special little lady who gave me the recipe is my niece. When she was younger she would visit me and my family at least once a month. She loved to cook and bake, she loved adventure, she loved to learn, she loved to laugh and smile, she loved to be helpful and she loved to love. As an adult she continues to love all these things, and is doing a great job of sharing these great qualities with her son.

My niece was so excited to bring this recipe for Swedish Pancakes to my house. She declared that they are the best pancakes I will ever eat. She made these pancakes for us and added her love, joy and excitement to the recipe. To this day they are definitely the best pancakes I have ever had. They will forever symbolize for me the special moments I was so lucky to spend with my niece. Swedish Pancakes taste like love. A big thing disguised as a little thing. I am so blessed.

I hope remembering one of your life’s big things disguised as a little thing brings you joy today and for many days to come. Life is precious!

I would love to hear about you big thing disguised as a little thing stories. Please share.


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