Tag: fancy

Is Chicken Kyiv from Ukraine?

I was first introduced to Chicken Kyiv [Kiev] when I was in my 30’s. I associate it with special occasions. What is Chicken Kyiv and did it originate in the Ukraine?

cooked chicken with brown sauce and green vegetables on white ceramic plate
Photo by Katarina Pjatakova on Pexels.com

What is Chicken Kyiv [Kiev]?

What is Chicken Kyiv? This dish is simply a pounded chicken fillet that is rolled around cold butter and coated with egg and bread crumbs. It can be fried or baked.

eiffel tower of paris
Photo by Boris Ulzibat on Pexels.com

Its Origin

I always assumed that Chicken Kyiv was created in Kyiv, Ukraine, but I recently learned that there is there is not documentation that proves that is the case.

The authentic recipe for Chicken Kyiv most likely originated from France.

In the late 1840s, the royalty of Russia sent chefs to Paris to learn. They returned from Paris with a dish called “Mikhailovska Cutlet”. In Paris the dish was made with veal, but in Moscow it was made with Chicken. Back then, chicken was more expensive than veal, and therefore, was considered to be more fancy.

Chicken Kyiv was served in elegant restaurants back then. American immigrants deserve credit for making this dish well known. After WWII, some American restaurants started putting this dish the menu. In order to attract Russian and Ukrainian immigrants it was renamed “Chicken Kiev [Kyiv]”.

This dish did not become common in Kyiv until tourists started asking for Chicken Kyiv in the late 1960s.

white ceramic mug with butter
Photo by Monserrat Soldú on Pexels.com

Authentic Chicken Kyiv

It is my understanding that the “official” Ukrainian version of the dish only has butter inside. Cooking to perfection includes ensuring that a small amount of butter is not melted inside. Cheese, garlic or parsley are not considered to be “authentic”.

The Ukrainian way of serving Chicken Kyiv is with a small bone sticking out (it keeps the butter inside).

So, the recipes below would likely not be considered authentic Chicken Kyiv [Kiev}, but they they still taste great!



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About Me

Life is precious, capture its beauty. I am lucky to have a loving family, and wonderful friends. Like everyone, I have good days and bad days, happy days and sad days, patient days and crabby days, beautiful days and ugly days, etc. I try to “hold the bright side up” as much as I can because it makes me feel better, and I think it helps others feel better too. I am so far from perfect, but I try to be kind and respectful. I truly believe that life is precious and that there are so many extraordinary ordinary people and moments in life. I want to share and celebrate the “extraordinary ordinary” through my writing and photography. Please check out my photos at Fine Art America Photography https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/35-laura-smith; at Adobe Stock at https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/207669601/Laura%20Jean%20Smith or at Shutterstock https://www.shutterstock.com/g/LauraJSmith. Perhaps you will find something you would like to have as your own?