Tag: Spiel

Wordle…Wordle…Wordle…It is so Fun!

I have come to the newest internet word game craze late. I tried Wordle for the first time a couple days ago. It is fun! Now that the New York Times acquired this viral puzzle game, I am not certain it will still be available me in the future, BUT I plan to enjoy it daily until then.

I and many share the same words sentiments about this game “It is so fun!”. I am wondering what makes it fun from so many of us. Pehaps is it because:

  1. Scarcity/Rare – Only 1 chance a day; Only a limited number of tries
  2. Limited time commitment
  3. Ability to share successes with others easily
  4. Similar to a jigsaw puzzle, only with letters
  5. Helps us remember that we are smart – we know stuff
  6. Required focus, and in a world that demands multi-tasking all day long that can feel refreshing and good

The famous puzzle company Ravensburger sites studies about puzzles making us happy.


Ravensburger sites Dr. Stephen Lermer, a Communications Psychologist, “We humans feel stressed if we have a task that we don’t succeed at and are bored if we are competent at something but have no task,” … “By doing puzzles, we achieve the perfect balance. It is where competence meets challenge. It means we have a task that we are capable of doing, but are not sure how long we need to complete it and whether we will be successful at it, on the first try. That is the charm of doing a puzzle.” 


So, I guess I need to be reminded that all types of puzzles and challenges bring us joy and Wordle won’t be the last little quick fun puzzle game that will cross my path.

Looking for ideas for my next “Wordle Type” adventure. Please share!

About Me

Life is precious, capture its beauty. I am lucky to have a loving family, and wonderful friends. Like everyone, I have good days and bad days, happy days and sad days, patient days and crabby days, beautiful days and ugly days, etc. I try to “hold the bright side up” as much as I can because it makes me feel better, and I think it helps others feel better too. I am so far from perfect, but I try to be kind and respectful. I truly believe that life is precious and that there are so many extraordinary ordinary people and moments in life. I want to share and celebrate the “extraordinary ordinary” through my writing and photography. Please check out my photos at Fine Art America Photography https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/35-laura-smith; at Adobe Stock at https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/207669601/Laura%20Jean%20Smith or at Shutterstock https://www.shutterstock.com/g/LauraJSmith. Perhaps you will find something you would like to have as your own?