Tag: Suzy Toronto

B is for … “Xxxx B”…. 👀

man sitting on chair beside dining table

B is for “Plan B”! What is “Plan B”? Well, like most things in life it can be multiple things. “Plan B” is another term for “The Morning After Pill”, an emergency form of post sex contraception https://planb.ca/en/what-is-plan-b . But, I am not talking about that “Plan B”.

The “Plan B” I am talking about is the one defined in Merriam Webster’s on-line dictionary

Plan B (noun): an alternative plan of action for use if the original plan should fail


We have all had to go to our “Plan B” at some point in life – some are little “Plan B’s” and some are HUGE “Plan B’s”. Sometimes our “Plan B” takes us to wonderful places we never imagined we would go! And sometimes “Plan B” gets us back to our “Plan A”, just a slightly different way than originally planned. It is important to remember that “Plan B’s” are not stop signs or road blocks, they are, as stated in the dictionary, alternative plans fo action.

In my life sometimes I draft my “Plan B’s” as an insurance policy before I need to put them into action, and sometimes I have had to just stop and develop my next plan as I needed it. The important this is you get yourself one [a “Plan B”] when needed.

As I said, sometimes your “Plan B” will bring you down roads you never imagined you would go down and bring you to places more beautiful than you ever imagined. I thank by “Plan B’s” for introducing me to my wonderful husband, bringing me my beautiful daughter and son, presenting me with the opportunity to live in South Africa for a year, discovering a new restaurant, meeting new friends, etc….. I could go on and on and on with the gifts I received thanks to my “Plan Bs”.

How about you? What wonderful things came to you as a result of you following “Plan B”?

Life is All About How You Handle Plan B. - Life.Simple.Perspective

I found an interesting perspective from a blogger and author by the name of Allison Fallon. She shares 13 Lessons from a Life that Did Not Go as Planned https://allisonfallon.com/did-not-go-as-planned/.

Hardcover Life Is All about How You Handle Plan B Book

Suzy Toronto writes about how to handle the “Plan B”s in our lives. She does it in a fun and comforting way.


About Me

Life is precious, capture its beauty. I am lucky to have a loving family, and wonderful friends. Like everyone, I have good days and bad days, happy days and sad days, patient days and crabby days, beautiful days and ugly days, etc. I try to “hold the bright side up” as much as I can because it makes me feel better, and I think it helps others feel better too. I am so far from perfect, but I try to be kind and respectful. I truly believe that life is precious and that there are so many extraordinary ordinary people and moments in life. I want to share and celebrate the “extraordinary ordinary” through my writing and photography. Please check out my photos at Fine Art America Photography https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/35-laura-smith; at Adobe Stock at https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/207669601/Laura%20Jean%20Smith or at Shutterstock https://www.shutterstock.com/g/LauraJSmith. Perhaps you will find something you would like to have as your own?